
classified document

导读 巨匠好,小经来为巨匠解答以上的下场。classified document这个良多人还不知道,如今让咱们一起来看看吧!一、【be classified into】意思... 2022-09-23 02:43:13

巨匠好,小经来为巨匠解答以上的下场。classified document这个良多人还不知道,如今让咱们一起来看看吧!

一、【be classified into】意思是【分(类)为……】。

二、英 [bi: ˈklæsəˌfaɪd ˈɪntuː] 美 [bi ˈklæsəˌfaɪd ˈɪntu]双语例句1. These needs may be classified into two subsidiary sets.这种需要可能再分为两类.2. Polariscopes for orthodox observations by transmitted light may be classified into two groups.运用透射光进到老例审核的偏振光弹仪,可分为二种.3. Surface - coating techniques may be classified into two major types: brittle coatings and photoelastic coatings.概况涂敷技术分为两个主要规范: 脆性涂层以及光弹性涂层.4. Property may be classified into real property and personal property.财富可分为不动产以及动产两类.5. Medical institutions should be classified into profitable and unprofitable ones.将社会上的医疗机构分为营利性以及非营利性两类.。


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